Food and drinks

Sirdal Lodge (in Hulderheimen, Tjørhomfjellet)
We are proud to be able to welcome you to Sirdal Lodge and a taste of Italy. Val and Francesco offers deliscious food, cozy atmosphere, and adds the sprinke of extra needed to enjoy a good time in Sirdal Lodge, located in Hulderheimen in Tjørhomfjellet.
Do you wish to bring friends, cabin neighbor, colleges, your crew, the fotball team or your school class to Sirdal Lodge?
Get in contact with Lampu on e-mail and/or telephone number:
Phone: 488 89 555
For opening hours see Sirdal Lodge’s Facebook page.

The Café in Ålsheia
An café which sells Hamburgers, french fries and kioskgoods. The seating area inside, its not allowed to bring your own food Open in Ålsheias openinghours.
The kiosk with the chairlift in Tjørhomfjellet
Kiosk that sells premade foods and kiosk goods. The inside seating area, its allowed to bring your own food. Open in Tjørhomfjellets openinghours.